Friday, September 16, 2011

Tased, but not confused

Tased, but not confused

Back in 2007, Sen. John Kerry was attending a forum at the University of Florida, when a student named Andrew Meyer started asking the former Democratic presidential candidate a number of agitated questions.

Why hadn’t President Bush been impeached, he asked. And why had he conceded to Bush? Meyer was so wound up that security officers started to escort him outside. Kerry started to answer Meyer, who demanded to hear the responses.

Meyer was wrestled to the ground, uttering these immortal words: “Don’t tase me bro!”

Millions of YouTube viewings later, this phrase became a pop cult fixture. Meyer was charged with disturbing the peace and resisting arrest; the charges later were dropped.

So whatever happened to Meyer? The Washington Post’s Lifestyle magazine asked that very question.

Answer: He’s going to be a lawyer. Meyer graduated from UF and was admitted to the Florida International University law school, where he is now a second-year student.

Give Meyer credit for being an entrepreneur: After the incident, he trademarked the phrase “Don’t Tase Me Bro” and has a website where you can buy a T-shirt for $15.

(T-shirt artwork above is from Meyer’s site, design by Phil Fung).

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